It was a sad day in church yesterday. The devil and people’s selfishness ruled the day. Yesterday, I saw a church hold politics and technicalities over the calling of God. Our pastor, who’s only crime was being a human being like the rest of us, was forced from the pulpit by a vote in a meeting that was a poor example of what a church should be. I had been witness to so much hatred, ignorance, and ill will toward the people of the English congregation that it pains me to even think about stepping back through the doors of CCUC. Church is not about the rule of some constitution and it’s not about the control that one person, who will remain nameless, seems to have over his congregation, it’s about love and leading people toward love. There was no example of that yesterday.
Yesterday’s meeting was a farce! A vocal and public few who dislike Pastor Green took control of the meeting for over an hour explaining to 2 congregations how the English Pastor is in a sense, not in control of his feelings, hurtful, spiteful, greedy, and a poor representative of what a leader in the church should be. All accusations were given without context, overblown, and without chance of defense from anyone or the pastor himself, in order to clearly remove him from his “calling.” When some were finally given time to represent the views, both through statistically relevant research and through personal experience, they were in comparison only given 1 minute each to speak with that cut down by translation to Cantonese or cut down by the moderator himself who seemed at times very much part of this conspiracy.
Yes, there’s something wrong with this. 3 years ago, we all agreed it was God’s calling that Pastor Green join us in leading the English congregation. That hasn’t changed. God did not come down from the heavens and say, “It is time for Pastor Green to move on,” or “This man is not right for your church!” No, in fact in the face of all this, Pastor Green has remained composed and loving toward our congregation and our church that has shown so much hatred. That’s the biggest issue. Our church has allowed a select few church leaders and now adds to that improperly informed people in other congregations to overrule God’s calling! Clearly all the good that has been committed in the previous 3 years has been overlooked and an unfair weight was given to a few instances where Pastor’s humanity shown through, all to overrule God. When a church allows politics and hate to overrule God, yes, there’s a problem there.
I’ll probably shock some and make some enemies with this open letter but if people didn’t notice the total disregard and unfair treatment by at least 2 leaders yesterday, you are blind, pure and simple. It was an AMA meeting held just for the sake of having one and orchestrated to give the impression that an informed church together overruled God’s calling. I’m very disappointed in the behavior of some of the leaders in other congregations that I had hoped to serve with and some I already serve with who showed timidness and bowing down to their leader’s pressure. I too was timid, I couldn’t find the words to speak yesterday, but I have them now.