Sunday, December 21, 2008

Entry from Calgary Canada.

Letters from the road…

It’s strangely comfortable out on here in Calgary.  It’s sort of like a mix between Maine and Miami.  There’s so much wide open space out here.  It’s supposed to be mostly cowboy country so that’s to be expected but it’s also snowy everyday.  From what I’ve learned, there’s something called a Chinook that sometimes passes through this area, a warm front that comes through and melts all the snow and warms the place between snowfalls.  Amazing.  I hoped to see one but the way the weather forecast looks, I don’t think it will be getting that much warmer before I leave.  Strangely enough, for –22 or so Celcius, it feels quite warm, it’s probably just my strange pseudo (or real) hyperthyroidism that’s keeping me warm outside.  I’m really enjoying my time out here in the boonies so far but I must say, I miss my truck.  I’m driving around a little Toyota Yaris and the first night, I had to try to remember how I drove my old Honda Civic out in the snow, much less in a blizzard.  It was fun though but I’d rather have four wheel drive any day.  Surprisingly enough, I haven’t taken too many pictures.  There’s just not that much to see and Doris has been sort of camera shy.  Too bad, she’s just so gosh darn cute.  Maybe I should insist.  Ah well, we’ll see.  

Friday, August 29, 2008

Tightening Our Belts Till We're Blue


It's just getting a little too painful tightening our belts today. Everyone knows that our country and the world is dealing with high energy costs that have hiked up the price of everything we buy from fruit and cereal at the supermarket to those darn mini pretzel bags on flights that last just 3 hours. How pitiful is that?

I want to let you all in on the next level of cost cutting that I have just seen that is just a great testament of how terrible our economy is and how little our dollar is worth even in our own country.

So let me tell you, you definitely know that our economy is bad when the dollar store starts shrinking what you get for a dollar. I just couldn't believe it. We all have seen the prices at regular supermarkets shoot up the last few months by crazy amounts for products we all enjoy and in some cases “need.” That crazyness has just hit the dollar store as well. There's a chain called “Dollar Tree,” if you've never been to one, they have just about the best selection I have ever seen for a dollar store and you can really save a lot of money there if you choose to, great products too. I used to get my snacks there, bags of chips, Hawaiian punch, cookies, juice, what have you, but also house hold items like bathroom cleaners, soaps, shampoos, hair gel, and toothbrushes. It definitely wasn't bad for a dollar compared with the 3.29 price or higher for these items even at Walmart and Target but they just took a turn for the worse.

So, I walked into the dollar store the other day and I headed over to my snacks section where I pick up those things that I enjoy while relaxing in front of the tv or watching movies. I have to repeat, I couldn't believe it, the sizes of all the chips, snacks, and drinks all have shrunk! Where once we had 12 ounzes of snacks, they've all shrunk down to 10 or some 8 now! When it comes to drinks, 2 liters don't exist any longer, now only 1 liter or those stupid single or dual serving bottles remain. Who's going to be able to keep their family fed on sizes like that or even want to pay for sizes that small? It's not even convenient any longer, I saw a mother, instead of buying 2 liter boxes of juice that they used to have, trying to pay for around 6 or 8 small boxes of juice, all a dollar each now of course! Maybe she just doesn't realize how much that “deal” was cheating her. When you add it all up so you buy the amounts that you used to be able to get, it's just about the same price as the normal supermarket. I couldn't take it, I dropped my basket in the isle and went to the car and drove over to the supermarket. It's been a while since I thought of buying these items anywhere other than the dollar store but I might have even saved more by buying at the local Jewel if not for the gas I wasted going to the dollar store in the first place.

I dunno, maybe I am just fed up with the little bit that we all get now for our hard earned dollar and it literally makes me mad the amount less we get in just these last few months thanks to the addition of inflation. There must be a solution to this, if not a true solution then I'd be happy with a psychological one, any trick will do. I'm just tired of seeing all these baby sized packages of stuff that we are all forced to buy because instead of giving us higher prices, which we would complain about anyway, companies choose to shrink the amounts and packaging which is even more annoying. I don't know about you but I don't want to buy any half sized juice boxes or “one line” of Oreos instead of 2 AND give you the same amount of money as before. You gotta be kidding me.

I never liked going to the market in the first place, I used to go at midnight so I could do my shopping in peace and quiet but now I hate it even more! All I get is quiet and no peace at all because I know I'll have to be back twice as fast for double the cost. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way. Is there anything we can do about it? I guess not. Is there anything that will be done about it? I don't think so. Anyone who makes the rules or makes the laws can afford to buy anything they want. They probably could care less.

I can see what might happen in the future actually, don't quote me but I can imagine it, I've seen the news report tie-ins that may point to this. All we'll have in the future are small sizes of food and drink that we'll be forced to buy in the name of better nutrition and controlling the waist line of America but you know what? In the end, the prices will be exactly the same. Here's to you George Washington, you can't afford anything yourself any longer, it was great while it lasted.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Our Great American Experiment


Well, after a short hiatus to chase some dreams, I am back with an entry for my ever popular blog. Sorry for being away so long.

What would I like to talk about first? The upcoming election of course. Not who I am going to vote for or who you should vote for but the ramifications of one outcome possible in the election and what that might mean for our future.

Just a disclaimer, some folks may not like some of the things I am going to lay out here but I feel very strongly that it's all the truth and I'm going to stick by it.

So what is this great American experiment that I want to talk about and that I am most interested in? Honestly, at this point in the election process, it looks like Barack Obama has a very good chance of winning the presidency of our United States. Although I do have some questions of his experience and what he will really do for us as citizens as far as energy and foreign policy, if he wins, I am looking forward to it. Why?

In the recent history of our country, in my point of view, the African American community has been a very troubled one. A community rooted in faith and in strength yet with many many broken families. These broken families bringing up men who don't act like responsible men and women who don't act like loving women. In turn, these broken families turn out many broken children who grow up to be gangsters (or wanna bes), criminals, or just lazy from being worn down by the constant struggle in their lives over where they think they should be, how they think they should be treated, or through thoughts of what others think of them. That's just wrong. It has been a constant recurring theme of certain neighborhoods and for some, an attitude that has actually been “passed down” from family and even some houses of worship. This must change. We've heard heroes like Bill Cosby and Tony Evans speaking to the problem secularly & sacredly yet it has not seemed to have a large effect on the population.

I for one believe that the African American community needs not better leaders but an increased number of better leaders. And not leaders that can talk the community into marches against gun violence, hatred, and staying in school by skipping school, but leaders that spur others on to be better men and women and to actually do something about it! And I might add, in a constructive way.

I think on that old cheesy show “Knight Rider” where they always said one man can make a difference. I think Obama may be that man. He's not alone though, we've all seen that his wife is a strong woman as well and might prove to be a good role model for the women as first lady. In the end, Obama may (I can't stress that word enough) be the best example for all people in our country. Time will provide the answers on that but this is the great experiment I am looking forward to examining over the next 4 years and perhaps 8 if it continues.

We definitely need change and we'll get it either way. Whether you vote for McCain or Obama, change is definitely coming. We just don't know what changes or by how great a margin. We all voted for change the last 2 times if I might say that, I think we can safely say that change was not a good one. It's the chance we take anytime we make a choice. We can only hope our choices are correct each time whether it's from a personal view or a national one.

What do I hope for if Obama wins the 2008 election though? What conclusion would I like to see at the end of this great social experiment? I would like to see the proven theory that great leadership does produce a great people and contributes to producing a great nation.

I would really like to see, if Obama wins, a strong leadership that he will have to give to the nation in order to get us back on track. I would love for him to concentrate some of his energies on being a strong leader for the African American community as well. I'd like to see him as a inspiration to that community, starting the long process of inspiring people to be better parents, kids to grow up looking toward higher goals, stressing the importance of taking responsibility and working hard to become successful as he has been. This is of course a long term longitudinal experiment though and we'll have to wait perhaps longer than 4 or 8 years to see the outcome but the changes could be so great. No matter what I think of him politically, personally, he has inspired me. I can only imagine what effect he might have on our nation or other countries.

One friend laughs when I bring this up. She believes that Obama will not make a difference no matter what. That's too bad. Perhaps we underestimate the power one person has. Even when that person is in a very important and influential position. Almost all of us want to make a difference in this world for the better, Barack's got a great head start on us all.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Political Commentary on Obama


Obama made a valiant effort to promote peace today. In my personal opinion, there is still plenty of racism in America today. Everyone has to straddle the fence everyday it seems in an effort for political correctness when it comes to living one's life in a way as to not promote or lead to offending others by accidentally saying something that is not PC. It feels like walking on eggshells at times. Honestly, most of the time, I try not to give it a second thought.

I understand how some people want everyone to be politically correct all the time so you don't hurt someone else's feelings but you know what? People should be stronger than that and have the common sense to know when someone is a racist and when someone is not.

I'm Asian, I make plenty of jokes about myself as well as others. People who know me usually enjoy my jokes and know that I mean nothing serious by them. People who don't know me sometimes cringe when I say something for the first time to them about how you can't wrestle money outta me because I am Chinese or how I'll eat almost anything. I make some jokes about Indian folk doing the impression of their accent but also do the same with Irish and Scottish as well, I was an improv actor in the past, what do you expect? I just love accents and the people who have them. It's not done out of malice at all but admiration. I make less jokes of the African American community just because they seem a little more touchy about it but my African American friends seem to want a relaxed society as well (to a point). As a person who pays attention to people though, interested in social issues and sociology as well, it's very interesting what Barack Obama had to do today.

Interesting but not surprising. That's right, he had to defend himself today over someone else's belief's and words. He did it well though. I for one think he got the word out that there is racism, there is reason for it, people have legitimate reasons for their views, and as individuals, we should all take and judge what people say in individual terms.

I think Obama understands why many people say and believe what they do, probably more than most of us do, but he had to make those of us who don't realize that come to our senses and do the same. We can't as people understand what others go through very easily as individuals and especially cannot if we come from different ethnicities. What he said today, if not now, will in time help us to understand each other better.

I for one do feel a bit disturbed that he had to defend himself and had to say what he said today but on the other hand, the things he said needed to be said and have not been said with such focus and clarity in such a long time. So it was an important speech, I wish we didn't need it, but also I think there was no one better in the United States today to say it.

I just want to also say that I don't intend to influence at all what people think on the upcoming election as far as who they plan to vote for, at this time I have not made my own mind up on who I will vote for, I do want to point though that people who remember and speak out about racism like nothing has ever changed just make the situation worse, perpetuating those views. Not only those who are still racist or who do nothing whom also make the situation worse. I think Obama, with what he said today, takes us back in a direction that we do want to move toward, talking about race relations reasonably and with an open mind, moving forward and making things better.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Rant: The Future


I saw some pictures of inventions and ideas for the future the other day and it started me thinking. Where are all those great things we were supposed to have by now that we all saw as we were growing up?

I remembered the Land of Tomorrow and rides talking about the future at Disneyworld and Epcot Center I saw when I was a kid. The future that was “supposed to be” we saw back then is our present day and we haven't as yet achieved those great inventions we were all anticipating.

Tell me, where are all those flying cars, where our our robot helpers, and where are those colonies we were supposed to have on our neighboring planets as well as the moon? Instead, we have high fuel prices, high food prices, most of our world population is struggling to get by, and our cars aren't even efficient much less able to leave the ground (unless you drive the General Lee).

I guess we should look on the bright side, there have been some advancements in the last 20 years. Computers have gotten smarter and smaller. There is a free wireless internet in the ether that is continuing to spread and hopefully will span the United States and perhaps the world in years to come. I'm typing on a 2 pound 7 inch laptop that doesn't even fit on my lap because it's too small! Appliances have become smarter too, phones now can go online, hold music and video, become an alarm clock that gets automatically set to your current time zone when you travel, not to mention it makes and recieves calls! That's pretty cool.

What about around the house? We've had advances to more efficient flourescent bulbs (if only people would use them), we have washing machines, dishwashers, and toilets that use less water to do what they gotta to do, even windows and insulation have gotten better to save everyone money and keep us all warm by conserving energy and heat on cold days and reflect heat when hot in the summertime.

If we just take a look around, I guess there have been a lot of advances. Technology never stands still, that's for sure. I still wouldn't mind having a flying car and a robot to do my dishes though.

What inventions are you still waiting for?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Refurbished with new life?


What do you think about refurbished items?

This question was posed to me last week by a colleague. I can say that I have never purchased a refurbished item. It's not that I have anything against them per se, I just never had the opportunity to purchase anything I wanted as a refurbished item. I've had friends purchase ipods, macs, tvs, and even pc's refurbished but I don't know if I would purchase high end equipment that way.

Refurbished just conjures up ideas of electronics who have spent much of their short life abused and then shipped away where electronics wizards spend their whole day putting these devices back together. Maybe that is not the reality of most refurbs but I can't change that vision from being one of my first that comes to mind. Folks have said that refurbished most likely means that these electronic devices were purchased and then because their owners didn't agree with them, they were returned but they couldn't just be restocked as open boxed so they ended up back at their factory of origin waiting to be shipped out again but that didn't happen. For the most part, nothing bad ever happened to them but because they were returned they needed to go through a check process where they were deeemed perfect or very close to it, that equals “refurbished.”

So would you get a refurbished mac? These machines run 1800 to 2000 dollars for well equipped models and actually refurbs don't go for much less. I guess if those who say nothing terribly wrong happens to refurbs and they go through a stringent checklist of quality control, that is not too bad. How realistic is that though? Most stores I would imagine try to resell their returns that are ok rather than paying for shipping costs to get the item back to the company. They probably make more by selling it to someone as an open box, it's better for them. So, if it actually gets returned to the company, something very detrimental must have happened to it. Perhaps it was returned a few times. Something was wrong where it “needed” to go back for “inside” or “body work.” Now that that work is done, it can go right back out to the market. With computers though, I would suspect that sometimes internal problems aren't even remedied before it goes out again.

So once again, I have never had the opportunity to purchase a refurbished item and I guess it would be just fine if it was a cheaper product or not high tech but I just have a very ill feeling when I think about putting my hard earned money down for something classified as refurbished. I guess that is unlikely to change.

I'm just curious, have you bought refurbished and what was that item? What was the quality and how long did it last? Maybe refurbished is the greatest thing next to brand new but I for one need to see the evidence. Also for high tech, don't you think that high tech should be half price at least? By the time it's for sale again after refurb, it may be outdated so just a 10% off price doesn't cut it for me.

Let me know, maybe I should be a believer in refurbishing but I need to see the evidence.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Internet Stock Trading, the thrill, the seriousness, the warnings, and benefits


Well, I became a stock trader this week! That's right, I took that plunge into the world of investing. This was not a decision I made on a whim mind you, I had been following the markets, commodities, and trends over the last year or so consistently and knew what I wanted to start with and why.

Yes, it was a very exciting thing to do but the most amazing thing about it was how extremely quick and easy it is to commit to invest or for the faint of heart or uneducated, how quickly it is to lose your money. Before going further, I would like to suggest to anyone who gets the bug to invest for yourself the fruits of your labor, to really watch and to a degree, study the market and talk to friends and/or colleagues with more experience before you jump in. Knowledge is invaluable.

Technologically, it was so fast, I basically was able to start trading within one hour! I had already seen my target stock fall within the past week when the market took a downturn and when the market tried to rally in the previous days, this stock did not make a comeback as quick as the others. I had been watching it and it was already on its way back up though. Actually, I was expecting it to move toward it's previous high and since it was on its way I didn't want to pass up a confident position.

After I decided it was the time, I did some quick google searches on some online trading companies and gauged peoples opinions. After seeing that most opinions were pretty similar, I then checked out which had the lowest charges on commissions when trading. Free was available but for a certain level of trading that as a beginner, I wasn't going to be moving at for quite a while. I made my choice on one of the lower charging discount brokers, 7 dollars a trade.

From that point, I hit their site and registered. I had to read and agree to a lot of legal stuff before I could open the account and then needed to link it to a bank account which I was going to directly transfer money from in order to make my trade. That took a few agreements as well that I had to read through and then a few online security checks. For example, I had already done some banking with my chosen bank account online so I trusted this discount broker with my online login information for that bank account and after doing that, the ownership and funds for trading were approved and confirmed in a matter of minutes!

So from there the funds were not in my trading account yet but the availability was checked out and approved. I had told the discount broker (his site really) I wanted to transfer a certain amount from my bank account to them for trading, chosen that stock I had been eyeing and initiated the trade for the amount I wanted. As I eluded to earlier, this was all done within an hour's time. The internet made it so easy and I was now a partial owner of a company that I had faith was going to start earning returns torward my future.

From an emotional standpoint I have to say it was an exhilerating experience and I felt my heart racing and my mind questioning what I had done because it all was initiated and done so quickly. Investments all start with a good chunk of one's savings and for me that was no different. I probably started out with about 5% of my savings so it was a move that I didn't take lightly.

On that idea of investing for the future, this broker, and I would suspect most of them, have a wide range of research programs open to the user as well as flashy items like a stock ticker and graphs and charts to keep track of your current investments and potential investments. It's a great deal of fun and excitement tempered with realism and seriousness because you realize it is your future you are dealing with not to mention real money. There are a wide variety of tools though for making wise trades and keeping track of potential moves you want to make in the future. All in all the speed that you can make a trade as well as the short time it takes to get started are great but do your research, make sure you have an understanding of what you are doing, and “don't put all your eggs in one basket” and don't invest all your money at once and in one thing.

I can't reitterate enough how awesome the internet is for investment research and how fast you can lose your money if you don't know what you are doing. I can tell you that on the internet and from your broker are many invaluable tools for making your investment decisions but the most important one is the one you were born with, your brain, don't forget to use it when you prepare to invest and as they say in the investment biz, you should have many happy returns.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Personal & Spiritual Thoughts

Learning Love God's Way


4 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant 5or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. 7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

8Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. 9For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. 11When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. 12For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

13So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

So this is what the Lord intended love to be, for all of us. It doesn't get much clearer than that. It seems a great deal of problems on this world could be solved if lovers, families, even countries practiced these few verses just a little more seriously and took it to heart. Always use patience, be kind, be open to the other view, don't make so much of yourself and become spiteful when someone doesn't agree.

I make these mistakes myself and stray from the perfect formula time and time again. Sometimes patience wears thin, I do disagree at times and do become defensive and feel some malice toward those who don't live or believe in the same way as I do. In certain ways, during certain times in my life, I have been spoiled and for a time, even trained to believe I was better than the rest, that I deserved better than the rest. When reality hits though, that is when you see who you really are and who's left with you when the smoke clears.

Much like the latter verses, even at an adult age, I sometimes spoke and acted like a child. I may still have been a child on the inside trying to find a direction at a time when the world was exclaiming to everyone to live life and enjoy every moment. There was work to be done, most people didn't know it though, it was the same with me. Finally, when I really needed to do some real work, perhaps I wasn't ready. Perhaps I became exhausted because I had never really did any real work. Fun ruled the day when it came to higher education and perhaps a topic for the future, struggle and sadness ruled the time before that.

Now though, in my older, more mature, mental age, I realize how poor past decisions were. This being February 14th, I am left to ponder the past and wonder of the future and what I will make of it. The Lord has been kind to me. More than a few times he has provided those that have loved me. In my childish times though, I reasoned like a child and let them go, let them slip through my fingers because of dreams of a more grandiose life or lying to myself and saying I was ready for something serious when I really wasn't. I didn't want to grow, I wanted to remain a child a little longer. There's a time in your life though when you give up your childish ways, I had to do so the last two years and it was quite painful. I was not prepared for the path I had chosen at the time but foolishly followed down into what was very close to oblivion. By sheer grace alone was I saved from the guillotine and in turn had to make serious, realistic goals for myself with the Lord's guidance.

Finally in my life, I can say I am building a future. Building something that will endure and sustain me and the future family I hope to have. I won't shy away from it, I pray everyday for God's strength and clarity that will allow me to keep building and not allow myself to fall off the path that He has given me. Although I ache and dream at times for the old life I thought I was destined to live, I know He has a plan, and has always had one. I must fight on! I must trust in Him. He has saved me twice already, once from the devil and once from myself. I do not want to lose my way again. I do want to do what others have succeeded in though. By God's grace, I want to build a life, build a family, have the means to support it, and to thank God everyday for the opportunity.

“So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three, but the greatest of these is love.” So now I have all three, I have faith in my God who has placed me on a new path. He has given me dreams and with them hope, hope for so many good things, so many good experiences to come, and He has given me His unwavering love. Love, and the secure feeling that can only be given when in the Lord's hands. I have come out stronger, more able, more dependable, and more at peace even when life is not altogether peaceful. I am even more humble, for when you are not, you will come to realize a fall if one comes to you will be from that much higher and harder to bear. I do thank God for my lessons, the fall only prepares me that much more for the future and and gives me a climb that will be that much more sweet when it is finished.

Thank you.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

BioDiesel Bioshmeasel!


Ah ha! That's all I have to say! The first reports are coming out about how the much touted biodiesel (or BD as I like to call it) is turning out to be a bigger problem than cars running on gasoline. It's something I have strongly believed since the whole BD craze began. It's always been known that using biodiesel over gasoline reduces miles per gallon in an automobile already so in my opinion people should have been up in arms asking for more proof that it was truly a good innovation before the farming industry put all (or most) of their eggs into this basket. In the last few years, plans for more and more biodeisel refineries have been planned and more and more farms have converted to corn and soybean growing because of the run up in price these commodities have gotten with all the talk of biodiesel saving the United States from the grip of foreign oil. That'll be the day.

Recently, new studies have shown that not only does BD give less miles to the gallon but also that it is causing double the damage to produce it over the traditional gasoline product! More land all over the world is being resown and stripped bare to plant corn, soybean, sugarcane, and other BD crops in hopes of helping us “live greener” and lessen the dependency on foreign oil. From the very beginning, with the equipment that needs to be used, with the production factories few and far between where the people really need them, the trucking that needs to be used to get the biodiesel out to the customers that are not close to the factories or the farmland, we are actually, not surprisingly, doubling our CO2 output on this world. Stripping land to grow these crops doesn't help either removing the native vegetation that was originally there to sap up the world's CO2 (plants take that in and expel Oxygen). This started a chain of events that made all our food more expensive as well. A good example is that with so much more of our country's corn crop going into BD production, we have less for feed that livestock and ranchers need to keep meat and milk at a stable price. That feed now costs more because corn costs more. The ranchers that handle livestock are going to have to make up for that deficit in their pockets somehow. That's where we come in, we are already paying higher prices for the foods we eat connected to livestock because of this. To add to that, prices of farmed vegetables and fruits are more expensive because we just don't grow enough of it any longer with the switch farmers have made to corn. We don't want to be slaves to foreign oil but we become slaves to South American fruit and vegetable farmers!

During all this time as well, we're not lowering our dependence on foreign oil. No, we're still using trucks to get our foods to us from coast to coast and that's costing more because gasoline is costing more. Cars and trucks need to be fitted with a few new engine components to get BD to work well with them. People don't take into account BD can cause damage to engine parts if a vehicle was never intended to run on it. That's why all the mainly Chevy BD capable vehicles come with a yellow gas cap. You've got to make sure you know you can use it before you try it.

It's a valiant effort to help the world out, I'll give the scientists and the backers of this technology that. The intentions were good. And to offer up a great use of BD, I believe those few folks out there who are converting, or better to say truly recycling, restaurant cooking oil into a BD product for use in their diesel cars is an awesome idea. I have to repeat, that is true recycling! There's no extra land being destroyed for it, it's been used (to put things like fries on our dinner plates) and it's only going to be thrown away. What a great idea and perfect solution to use that oil and cooking byproduct everyone has as fuel for automobiles. It's ideas like that that change the world for the better.

Someone should have really run the numbers, done the tests, and examined the production of BD fuels from beginning to end before our farmers and some of our citizens jumped headfirst into the world of biodiesel. I personally think we should abandon this idea. If we're going to create a biodiesel, let's get it from recycling oils we use already. Lets keep the corn for our bellies as well as our livestock's feed. Perhaps we'll be able to get the prices of our foods down a little bit and in the process, refocus our country's intelligent minds onto finding another solution to our energy problems. Time is running out, we have to find a solution soon. It's not a good idea to ever take one solution and take that as the answer-all to our own or our country's problems. Let's get wise and let's get back to work!

Friday, February 8, 2008

My So Called "Online" Life


So sometimes I wonder what people think about their lives and technology. I have staved off the urge to get an Ipod almost permanently now but there are those folks who have Ipods, Iphones, those who are continuously checking their email and are connected over the internet with their cell phones because they can't even think about living off the net. There are those that spend all day chatting with people they know and even those that chat all day with those they don't know. What about those people? Would you say they are living a good life? Far be it for me to judge because of course it depends on how much they are getting out of their lives, how they feel, and what kind of personal contribution they want to make to society in their lives.

Of course it's great to be able to use technology today, it makes life so much more convenient to live and really does give everyone more time to do other things which is very nice. There's so much more opportunity today to learn new things and to be more productive, it's really great. Can you get to a point where it might seem like abuse of technology though rather than using it for good. Perhaps a better question would be can you get to a point where technology seems like it is abusing you? There are some people who are so wrapped up in their online life whether it be chatting, posing as someone else, or even in online gaming, that they stay online and seem to be tethered to their computers 24/7. For these people, being “off the net” or away from their computers is almost a painful experience.

I'm a firm believer that you have to 'live” some life “off the net” though. I know that throughout the years I have needed to make a conscious effort to spend some time away from technology. It feels good, gives me time to reconnect with the world and things like temperature, weather, nature, my neighborhood, what day it is, and friends. All things that should be more important than being online. Using technology is unavoidable today of course because if you do stick to the good ol' pad and paper as I've wanted to do time and again, you find yourself back on the computer and online later realizing what a cumbersome idea and how outdated pad and paper can be.

Let me give an example from my own life. I love writing on memo pads with a smooth writing pen on paper (since we're on the topic). It's just a personal liking I have. I found it so nice for a long time to write up my task lists for home, work, and what have you on pads of paper. I still say it's one of the best inventions ever made. After a while though I started wishing I could move things around a bit, organize things better, without having to go to and rewriting everything into the proper order I wanted or onto the pad that represented the proper category it should have been in. I started getting lazy and drawing arrows on my task lists and then circling the important tasks I thought were more important than the rest. One day soon after I was surfing the net and came across “mind organizers” or “mind mapping” software. Just the title itself intrigued me. Well, to make a long story short, I found a recommended software called Freemind online that was actually free and a great task organizer. I inadvertently through my own memo pad innovation was using mind mapping. Now I am back on the computer everyday happy for the wonderful free software that has given my own wish and evolution form. (where can I get it?

It's amazing, I always say, “Anything that is worth finding is out there on the net.” This is just another proof that if you have a good idea, it's rare now that someone hasn't thought of it as well and with the new love of open source most people have, it's more likely to be free.

Back to the topic at hand though, what's it like to live online and how dangerous is it? Do we abuse the internet or does the internet abuse us? For some it's the latter. Especially in this world of WOW and online shoot'em ups. For me though, I have fought the internet addiction, made my way off it, and found my way back. I guess everyone who spends any great amount of time online will go through the same battle. You come back more responsible to yourself and your time, you come back more appreciative of what the internet and your computer have to offer, and hopefully like I have grown to feel, appreciate it for much much more than gaming.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

An Evolution in Flight

The joy of flying. It's changed a lot the last decade. We all know that flying isn't what it used to be. I can remember flying as a kid. The earliest flight I can remember was from New York to Orlando to go on vacation to wonderful Disney world! Sure, I was a kid then but I can still remember the finer points of flying back then. It started off at the airport. Now, i only remember this being an object at JFK airport as far but I remember how they had chairs with televisions connected to them. We traveled on a Saturday morning and I was able to catch my Saturday morning cartoons at the airport waiting for the flight. That was great! It seems they've been removed now but I can still remember at that early age thinking that the future of travel could only get better in the future. Everything seemed customer centered as well, flying was a special event that people who worked in the business took pride in.

Well, when I finally took that first flight, I remember there was food that was very good, warmed up, and much like those tv dinners we can get at the store nowadays. Even better if I remember right. All I know is that the meals were good enough that I asked for more. That's all I can remember of my first flight but they were happy memories. In the last decade though, there has been a downward spiral as far as what the airlines offer us as amenities. My best definition is that they went from something to close to nothing. Just for a recent example, I went to Hong Kong 2 years ago and throughout the whole 26 hour flight all I got was pretzels, peanuts, and crackers. There were one or two sandwich meals but those were cold and not very good after being on the plane so long. Yes, I enjoy eating food and I was disappointed.

Why am I bringing this up now though? Well I took a short trip from Chicago to Ft Lauderdale for business and to see my parents and the trip was just short of horrible. Just to quickly recall the past events, the size of the plane was pretty small. Not bad in itself but then it was loaded up with too many seats, 6 per row. It was one of those planes that should have had 5 per row. The things companies will sacrifice for money, comfort is definitely not a goal of the modern airline business. So, in a plane the size of a sardine can, I was also stuck in the middle seat of a row next to a younger guy and a pilot that must have gotten snowed in the night before. It was pretty tight. Too tight in my opinion. The only food we got was a pack of graham crackers and peanuts as well. Not even the regular size but smaller. They also said we would run out of fuel on the way over to Florida as well because of the weight of the luggage so we had to stop in Nashville for more fuel. Can you believe that? I guess it's not the first time I've been in that situation but it's the first time for that short of a flight. Not being able to get your passengers from Chicago to Hong Kong on one tank of gas I can see as realistic but to not be able to get to Fort Lauderdale from Chicago on one tank? That is ridiculous.

So maybe I'm just ranting about a poor flight experience but I feel that on a technological note there is so much to complain about here. After all these years, how can the flying experience be so much worse than it was just 10 to 15 years ago? Why can't airlines put aside their greed and seat the proper number of normal proportioned people on each and every plane they own and still make enough money? Why can't they give everyone warm meals or even sandwiches on a flight instead of minuscule sized packets of peanuts and crackers? Why can't modern planes make it from coast to coast on one tank of fuel regardless of how much baggage they have to carry especially if they boast that they are providing a non-stop flight? We should ask more from our airlines today. We should receive the same or better level of service over years ago and we should not back down from that. Things are supposed to evolve as time goes by not go backwards.

I guess this may be too much to ask for though, on deeper reflection, I guess more than half the jets that fly in the sky today are not new. Maybe we can't expect the efficiency we would like out of them especially since they were made in the times where fuel was cheaper. Could they be more efficient, probably, were they designed with that in mind, i doubt it. I still think that with the advent of international flights and with the usage of external fuel tanks by the military, someone should have adapted that technology for civilian use by now. How nice would it be to know you could make it to the other side of the world or farther in one non-stop trip? Perhaps in the future with the development of modes of transport that will fly in the area of the edge of space where the atmosphere is thinner and allows for more efficient travel, perhaps then we will have figured out how to get flying back to where it should be, a pleasant experience with good service, non-stop and to anywhere in the world. It hopefully will be conceivable that we will even get to fly further than that on one tank of fuel.

in the meantime i guess we will continue that downward spiral. On a related and opposite note though, It's nice to know that companies like Jet Blue learn from their mistakes as well as others and are trying to give their customers a better experience than others with standard cable, xm radio, and wide seats on all their flights. They have decent sized snacks as well even though they are not meals and they gladly provide more with just a request. I don't think I can say this is an airline that has improved any by today's standards but it is the best so far I believe. The airlines service so many people in the world everyday, I'd like to encourage folks to fight for improvement. It's what we deserve.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Giants Win the Super Bowl!

That's all I gotta say for this one really. Sorry to depart for my intended formula. Sometimes you just gotta yell something out to the world! I remember the last time, I was a kid, Phil Sims and Coach Parcells won it all back then.

I'm thankful I get to experience it again with my friends. Giants Win!

Social Commentary on the Super Bowl


Are you ready for commercials?

So, are you ready for commercials? Super Bowl commercials! A friend of mine sent me an evite to a Super Bowl party the other day that was titled just that way. I thought about this for quite a while. Commercials? Commercials? How can you be thinking about commercials before the game of the year! It’s the Giants verses the Pats! I happen to be a Giants fan as well as a Jets fan and I am from New York so you can understand my feelings. I live in Chicago now though so I guess it’s fair for my friends to ask that question, especially after last year. The Giants are underdogs 13 to 1 so I may be heading down that path as well today but if there is one thing a NY fan learns especially in the last few years it’s where to find hope!

Just to talk about my Jets for a moment, I so look forward to the Giants winning over the Pats because their coach, Bill Belichick was hand picked by coach Parcels (a great man) years earlier to take over as coach of the Jets and Bill decided to take some of the best players and run to New England! That traitor! All those Pats victories could have been ours! It takes a good leader as part of a winning equation though and he is one, even if a traitor.

Anyways, I can’t wait for this game to begin and I hope that the Giants will be taking their strength and determination they’ve had since the last time they played the Pats and really stick it to ‘em. Are you ready for commercials, no, I’m ready for a war!

Thinking about commercials though, they say that 30 seconds of commercial time during the big game will cost 2.6 million dollars, or 26,000,000 dollars, does that put it in perspective? Can you believe that? Where has this world come to where only the big companies can afford the time that has gotten so inflated and expensive? There was a story on the news where one person came up with the money to buy 2 seconds of air time for his business, a small business, a private business, yet the big wigs upstairs that control the time rejected him saying there wasn’t enough time for his commercial. It’s something to think about as you watch these entertaining yet high powered, high cash commercials today. Where’s the little guy? Where are the commercials for the stores down the street in your neighborhood? What about the chains that took years to grow because they are still owned by mom and pop or the family? Did they have the money for a commercial? Did they try? Did they want to be part of the action? Were they rejected a spot because their time requirement was too small or their business not popular enough, could they even ever hope to afford it? Who really is controlling what you are seeing today at commercial time? Maybe it’s too much to keep track of but perhaps the next time you buy something you can ask, “Am I buying this because of a Super Bowl commercial? A very expensive Super Bowl commercial?” If you are, maybe it’s a good idea to put that down and buy a smaller competitor’s product.

As I think about the dream of the Giants sticking it to the Pats, I also think about us, sticking it those fools who paid such high prices for their commercials. Be entertained by it, sure, it will probably be the only time this year when people talk about wanting to watch the commercials, they’re major annoyances though that strip the mind of the ability to think for itself (much like other things in the world today).

On that note, I’m excited to watch and see if the presidential candidates purchase any time during the Super Bowl today. It’s been rumored that they will. Super Duper Tuesday is this coming week and it’s the perfect way, albeit super expensive, to reach every man, woman, and child, as they will be watching the game as well as eagerly awaiting the commercials. Most of their commercials I admit are very annoying as well and don’t say much when you get down to it but I just want to tally up who thought it was a good idea and think about what kind of example they are setting as they move forward in their presidential campaigns. Honestly, you’re better off watching the evening news after or before the Super Bowl to hear more about the candidates and I for one hope people are going to do that and not only today. Pay attention to the news and if you can, the news from outside this country, like the BBC, as close to unbiased as you can get.

The Super Bowl commercials are a terrible and expensive waste of time. On any other day I would be forwarding my Tivo over the commercials because that is what I bought it for! Today though, folks who have no interest in the teams playing today have already set up commercial parties, you can be sure not one will be missed! What a concoction this is, I tell you what though, I’m ready for a game! And, I’m ready to party! Go Giants!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

A New Revolution: Part II


This being Friday morning, since I woke up early, and since it's almost one week since I purchased my EEE pc, I figured it was time for and update of what life is like with it. I gotta say, this little wonder is small! Honestly, not as light as I was expecting, I was expecting closer to “feather weight” but it is light enough. i can really feel the difference between it and my Sony TR which is about 3 pounds. Compared to that it really does feel like I just have a small book in my bag, even with the power supply (which the TR has a brick like any other computer).

In usage, the EEE pc is totally usable. Some folks have complained of it's small 7 inch screen and the need for a bigger one. I would say the screen is almost perfect. Yes, I would like to see a higher resolution which can't be changed right now in the Linux operating system (which I am sticking with) but I'm sure I'll find another desktop program or OS that will allow me to change that sooner or later. Also, a bigger screen means a higher price. I bought the EEE because it's so gosh darn cheap!

I eluded to something else here, The OS or Operating System. I really like the Xandros linux operating system so far. It resembles Debian in commands and usage which I have a little experience with from my work in the Web Hosting business. I have gotten a greater crash course in it though since I've gotten this pc. It's fun though. I started programming when it was all on the command line and linux happily brings me back to that. I've got more than a handful of commands under my belt now and the speed and information that the command line gives me is something that was missed in recent years with windows. On that note, I am one of those folks that happily refuses to put Windows XP on my EEE. I've been searching so long for a way to get rid of that bloated and prone to blue screen product that this has been my answer that I have been fearful of accepting on my windows pc's (because of lack of experience). I do have a Vista computer as well. That is a worse off product than XP, but I digress. Let's bring it back to the EEE. Linux actually is very easy to use and much more customizable after learning a few commands. For those who want that windows feel, the EEE is able to go to advanced mode which enables a KDE interface that really resembles windows greatly so that users that like windows won't loose any ease or productivity.

Next, I wanted to say something on the keyboard. A lot of folks say it's small and that's no joke! It really is. Another reviewer said that's probably as small as you can get for a keyboard and still be able to touch type reliably. That's so true. Anyone can adapt to it though. Only those few people where your finger is actually the size of a key (and that is totally possible) will have a terrible time with the keyboard. Definitely, anyone looking to buy an EEE with larger hands really needs to go to a store and try the keyboard out. I have what I would like to call normal hands and I went over to Microcenter to make sure the keyboard was usable for me as well. To give you an idea of how fast I've adapted though, I've typed this much with only 5 or 6 mistakes, pretty average and not because of the keyboard. I have a full size keyboard on my desk for my “home” system and I can switch back and forth without much of a problem.

Now, battery life. So far in my tests this week, on full screen brightness, with a beautiful screen I might add, I get about 3 hours of battery life on my 4G Surf model which was supposed to only get 2.5 hours. I find that great, it beat the estimates. I was working on the PC at the same time as well on a network line (not wireless). The sad part is that it takes just as long to charge. If you use 3 hours of battery life, it will take 3 hours to charge if you leave it on and work wirelessly. I guess it might be faster if you charge it with the wireless or the computer “off.” I'll definitely be picking up another battery as soon as I can get one for a decent price. Price estimates are 100 bucks for an extra battery when it comes out. There will have to be a better deal than that I hope later on in the year.

If there is one thing I need now it's a carrying case. I know the more expensive model comes with a sleeve but I've heard it was pretty cheap so I passed on that. I also didn't care for a .3 megapixel camera. That's just weak. I'll just use the webcam I bought 6 years ago and get the same resolution or better! I gotta say, I haven't found a good case yet though. My techie friend who also bought one of these little wonders bought a case logic case for portable dvd players and it seems to fit perfectly but it is a little bulky. I want to find a sleeve that is reasonably priced. I found a neoprene case as I was surfing around that seemed to be perfect but it was 30 dollars. I think I can do better in the near future but I may end up getting one of these because I like their style. You can take a look at one here:

For a little humor, right now my case is a bubble wrap lined envelope one of my video games came in when I ordered online. I do most of my shopping online so I have a few of these, it's a perfect size! You can see one in the 1st picture. Take that Macbook air! I take my Asus around in that envelope and just pull it out when I need it. Very eye catching and funny, I hear people on the other side of the room laughing when I pull it out. That's reason enough to keep this as a case. People seem to leave the presense of the EEE pc in a happier mood, either because of my “case” or because the pc is “soooooo cute.” That is probably the most common comment this device gets. It doesn't help that I have anime backgrounds on my desktop.

Moving onward, memory wise, my model only has 4 gigs of memory but then again I've found most programs to be quite small. I've only used about 300 megs installing all the programs I think I would ever need. And that is without deleting the .tar.gz files (compressed form programs come in) to save even more memory. In other words, I have enough. I have a 1 gig SD card in there right now too that came with my older camera, perfect for saving files to as well. An 8 G usb drive is always on my key chain as well so as you can imagine, I definitely have enough memory for most things. Even music and movies, those run great too.

In all, if I was to rate the EEE pc, I would give it a 4.8 out of 5 because it is perfect for what I need it for, it's really really ultra mobile and has good battery life. I can't give it a perfect 5 because I sure would have liked 5 hours of battery life for an ultra mobile pc (the thinking is that it will never be around a plug, it will be mobile). Also the keyboard being a good size has keys that are a little too deep, you have to try it to see what i mean. It's not bad at all but that is what you need to get used to I think. For example, the Sony TR that I refer to is an 11 inch screen computer, it's an ultra portable but the key strokes are not as deep allowing you to type faster. The Asus keyboard would benefit as well with just a millimeter or so less travel in the keys up and down. Hopefully you get the picture. All in all the EEE is really an awesome machine though and so convenient to have around, I really love it.

A New Revolution


Is there a market out there for ultra mobile personal computers also known as umpcs? I would say yes. I’ve owned a Sony TR series for a few years now. I have also owned one of their UX50 palm pilots for even longer. One’s too big to carry around everywhere even with it’s 11 inch or so screen and the other has a keyboard way to small to type on and no word processor application.

Enter the umpcs, so far the Asus EEE is out there and soon to be released Friday is the Everex Cloudbook. These laptops boast a 7 inch screen and a total width of about 9 inches and less than 2 pounds. That’s getting really close to the size and weight most ultra mobile productive people want in a laptop as they head out on the road to the cafes, offices, the games, or just where the stories are. Heck, you can even be productive at parties unintrusively with these pcs if you so desire.

I don’t know about you guys but I like to write, whether I’m taking notes on some new fangled techno gadget, writing a journal that I never seem to be able to do regularly, or just writing something down that I don’t want to forget, you never know where inspiration will hit. And when it does, it’s a shame to lose it and let that moment pass without putting it down somewhere for the future. An old school paper notebook is nice but this is the computer age, it’s time to get with the times and these pcs are the way to go. Like I said, it’s getting close to the size and weight we want because we’ve been taunted and told of the future where we’ll be using things like electronic pads from Star Trek that look so light and are connected to each other or e-paper that is supposed to be thin as paper, not draw any energy, and have the ability to be updated like a flexible computer screen, that still seems to be a great deal of time away. I guess we’re closer to Star Trek now with our palm pilots, blackberries, and treos, but even tablet pcs don’t really have a good way to interface with us yet in tablet mode and allow us to put in large amounts of information on the fly. The keyboard still seems to be the best way. Another solute to these umpcs for not going the way of the tablet even though it sure would be fun to see. But as always, the size looks good but I’d always like lighter, I’m sure we all would. I look forward to the newer and better models to come in the days ahead. With the recent Apple Air announcement and a thin laptop conceived by Lenovo, we can only hope that that technology will become cheaper so our friends, the Linux developers can produce some thin ultra mobiles in our future priced for the masses.

Well, I’m hoping to get my hands on a Cloudbook this Friday if it’s released on time and I’m dreaming of all the things I’ll be able to do with it. All the places I’ll be able to work, all the times I’ll be able to have a computer and get online when I have only dreamed of it in the past. Hopefully it will be so light it really will feel like a cloud. It seems like we’re getting closer to perfection every year. In just these last 2 months, Asus released it’s candidate for the next revolution in computing and when I thought, “I’d really like more memory,” Everex readies it’s own challenger with 30 gigs. I just hope it lives up to the hype and pushes us further and closer to having small, light, low priced, reliable machines. It’s what I’ve been waiting to see and experience. Is it too much to ask for? We’ll find out.