Thursday, July 26, 2012

This was a response to Dwight Silverman's article on travel tech. Just some suggestions on how I use GPS apps on my iPhone and how a combination ends up working better than just one.

Recently I’ve travelled a lot too. On ios, mapquest has become a free app lately and I find that dead on when giving me the routes that are best and giving me lots of clear verbal instructions. I used to use Waze all the time but in the northeast it’s instructions aren’t the best and in jersey, can have you going around in circles. Not good one tired morning. I had to break out the mio standalone gps to get out of the area. Waze does tell you where accidents are and more importantly, where traffic jams end. I usually plug my iPhone in and turn both apps on. Get my directions from MQ and leave Waze on just for the crowd sourced traffic reports. Tag team! How bout that?

As an add-on note, I can't forget Slacker with the ~3.99 a month subscription to get rid of commercials. This makes my road trips that much more enjoyable.  It's also great to mention how i can use all these apps at the same time.  When traffic directions are given, the music is automatically lowered. It's great, I leave my phone plugged into the car stereo all the time!  It's worth the few seconds of trouble (no bluetooth in my vehicle).

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Gun Control

2 posts I had with a friend on gun control after the "Batman Massacre." He didn't really have a side I guess.

1.  What's your stance Steve? Do you have one? It's so true, like the article says, you have to take into account the country's background, history, and the sociology of each country. Taking that into account, certain large populations here don't take kindly to the law much less answer honestly when asked about anything. I also think as a society, the US is such a disrespectful country as a whole that I hardly ever have felt safe (maybe that's my problem). Since college, I took my gun licensing exam, practiced at the range, got the concealed carry license (valid in some states), and have educated all that would like to learn the basics of using and safety features to look for in a gun. In our society, that's the only thing that's going to make us safer, education. I've always owned since then, yep, even in Chicago. I for one, feel much safer with it than without it. It's not something to fear if you know how to use it and how it works ... well, unless someone who shouldn't have one is right in front of you.

2.  That's the heart of the matter right there. Guns "can" kill people but it's the person, mentally and physically, who actually pulls the trigger. Ultimately, it is the person who does the killing whether bc of mental illness, lack of knowledge, or plain stupidity. I for one say, bring on the gun laws! And ban the assault rifles. Come on! There's no reason for that at all.

As long as single shot rifles, pistols, and perhaps semi autos (which most handguns are anyway) are in some way accessible for the consumer who has taken an active part in training and learning about what they are actually getting, I will support it. But an outright ban? That will just turn us all into victims sooner or later (in this country).

Sunday, July 1, 2012

This was my reply to Shelly Palmer's article on how Verizon's Share Everything Plan was going to be "about the same" cost as current plans:

Credit for photo: Thanks to
Forgive me Shelly, I call you out as a lier on this. You shouldn't be judging this new plan on what you and I as techies use but as the general population uses. Most ppl I know use a basic calling plan with low minutes (no one wants to talk anymore or they just wait until free night and weekend times), they have the basic 2 gig data plan, and they have or have no txt messaging vs free texting services or google voice/Facebook.

Normal access right now for these things are around 70 bucks plus tax. Go to Verizon's share everything calculator and you will see this at a minimum (2gig data) is 100 bucks not including tax!

That is in fact, an unreasonable increase! Add Texting for those not savvy enough for free texting services and that's even more!

No one I know that uses YouTube frequently or even infrequently can stay under 2 gigs either.  Not to mention if they are Netflix or streaming radio subscribers which push them close or over the cap.

In fact, for my data conserving girlfriend, she gets really close or over the 2 gig limit on AT&T using her iPhone so often we're thinking about switching her to the 3 gig plan. It's not easy to stay under 2 gigs and it's almost impossible to stay under 1. I think you are seriously wrong on this issue and you should shout from the rooftops how Verizon is going to be gauging customers in the near future rather than helping or remaining "about the same" as the current plans.

That's just wrong, and that's a fact.  Thank you.

 Sent from my iPad